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Full Version: New Book - "Teach Someone to Roller Skate - Even Yourself!" by Marty Donnellan
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It's me, Ignatz, also known as Marty Donnellan. I've been teaching beginning roller skating at a local rink for quite awhile now, and have compiled my methods into a new book, "Teach Someone to Roller Skate - Even Yourself." 90 pages with 46 professional illustrations, it covers everything I teach beginning students in a four- to six-week skating course - and more!

It's available on Amazon as a print edition or a Kindle.

Thanks for letting me post this, Mark!

Glad to know you wrote a book on learning skating - quad style I assume.

Not enough good books on the subject. Curious though about something that I ask all people I encounter who are as skating knowledgeable as you are.

How do you explain how your strokes give you speed, when the best skating form has the push going out at 90ยบ to the direction of rolling momentum?
Also, how much do you emphasize the lateral shifting of weight in sync with the stroke push?

I guess you'll have to buy the book. Bigwink

Here's the links:


I might have to pick up a hard copy. Smile