How do others see you?
04-12-2012, 01:40 PM, (This post was last modified: 04-12-2012, 01:41 PM by Reserector.)
How do others see you?
When you mention roller skating to friends, family, and coworkers, how do they react?

In this area of Mississippi, the common perception is that roller skating is something for the kids. Lock-ins and Birthday parties, mainly. A place for parents to drop off the kids while they shop, or do naughty things.

Some reminisce about when they used to skate as kids. Most just humor me. You can see mow much their thoughts affect what I do, right? RollerSkater Biggrin
04-12-2012, 02:04 PM,
RE: How do others see you?
I get a lot of sh*t for playing derby and skating from some people.
The boyfriend's family gives the two of us a lot of crap, his brother says that it's not a real sport because a lot of girls play it and ESPN doesn't show it. His dad just rambles about how he used to be a skater (though we're both fairly certain that is NOT true).
My parents thought I'd die the first time I tried skating, right before starting derby, and still say "don't break anything" every time they hear I'll be on wheels. In their defense, I am incredibly accident prone, and have broken bones walking down hallways. However, once I started to play/skate more and they saw the change in my fitness and mood, they've become fairly supportive. When I got kicked off of my league, my mom was very supportive and asks me almost every week when I'll be on a team again.
As for friends and acquaintances, some get all confused when I say I skate (asking if I mean inlines, if it's real, do I actually know how to skate) and others think it's pretty awesome.
04-13-2012, 10:21 AM,
RE: How do others see you?
My work colleagues think I am a bit mad, and my Mother-in-law disapproves because she thinks it's dangerous. She also thinks I should be at home having babies instead of taking up fun hobbies.

My sister just rolls her eyes - she is extremely biggoted, thinks all Derby players are lesbians, and that we are all tattooed (which she hates) and have mad hair. She's into horses, and thinks I should be doing something "civilised" like that instead.

But frankly, I don't care how other people see me - I love what I'm doing and thats what matters.
04-15-2012, 10:26 AM,
RE: How do others see you?
Most younger people initially think that derby is just tats and thongs and afterparties and being derbycurious, and most older people think it's all clothesliining each other and jumping through flaming hoops.

Once they see that it's actually a sport, pretty much everyone has been really impressed and interested.
05-24-2012, 06:09 AM,
RE: How do others see you?
(04-15-2012, 10:26 AM)CoastalChick Wrote: Most younger people initially think that derby is just tats and thongs and afterparties and being derbycurious, and most older people think it's all clothesliining each other and jumping through flaming hoops.

Once they see that it's actually a sport, pretty much everyone has been really impressed and interested.

Derby is a sport?? LOL. I have been a ref for nearly 3 yrs and a (returned) skater for almost 5yrs. Skated anywhere and everywhere in my early teens and was on a speed team BITD. When I tell people I rollerskate they mostly look at me as if I am insaneOmg, then usually get a bit curious (jealous?). Then I explain that my wife and I ref derby and with our son we also social skate and consider it great family bonding time and it beats the hell out of going to the gym.
OMG, I'm a Tony!
05-24-2012, 08:44 AM,
RE: How do others see you?
i have skated my whole life and im a bit crazy. people in my town are pretty used to seeing me skate around town. we dont have a rink here, so when i mention roller derby, most still dont know its here, and i have to tell them when a bout is before they believe me. i also skate aggressive street/vert. and when i bring that up, well they just shake their head. but i think the biggest misperception i have gotten is........i skate the paved trails that circle my town, and i have been hit on more than a few times by gay men. i dont take offense, its a complement, but i had to ask one dude that was polite about it, " why did you think i was gay?" he said becouse i was on rollerskates i MUST be gay. LOL. NOT. i then asked him if i was on blades would he have said anything, he said no. i personally dont give a crap about the gay/lesbian/etc thing. love who ya want! but really, just becouse i was on skates???? i guess the overalls, no shirt, cowboy hat and rollerskates just looks too much like a village people ad........
i skate more than i sleep.....
ref for CDD/RCR past 6 years
skated since 2
695s/royals/navigators/qube/bones/rollerbones turbos
05-24-2012, 01:01 PM, (This post was last modified: 05-24-2012, 01:02 PM by Reserector.)
RE: How do others see you?
I recall a guy at the rink who was there with a birthday party. He looked like a body builder. I noticed him because he was leaning on the wall giving me a snide look as if to establish territorial dominance or something by belittling me. The next time I went by I saw he was guarding his wife's purse. I caught his glare, then looked directly at his purse, then back at him with a look of "really?". Sly The change in his expression was priceless.
Next lap around, he was heading back to the party room. Didn't see him on the wall after that. Laughing
06-04-2012, 07:53 PM,
RE: How do others see you?
Yep I get the look when i mention anything about skating. All my friends go drinking and partying on the weekends. I can't wait to skate. I say they are all jealous!
Riedell 695's Bolted to reactor's with various wheels, all sticky!
07-01-2012, 10:01 PM,
RE: How do others see you?
When I tell people I play derby, I tend to get one of two reactions: 1) That's awesome!!! or 2) Why on earth would you do that?
07-04-2012, 01:08 PM,
RE: How do others see you?
When I've told friends that I was doing Reffing for derby, they thought it was cool because at least my one friend has gone to see them play. Anyone else either doesn't care, doesn't want me to get hurt (which I did) or are doing Derby as well.

Either way I couldn't give a crap what other people think.
Sure-Grip Rebel Boots - Red
Sure-Grip White DA45 Magnesium Plates
Sure-Grip Fugitive Wheels - Purple 89a/Red 95a Zombies with Moto Prem Swiss, Red 92A with Bones Super Swiss 6, Black 92A/Orange 89A with Moto Prem Swiss

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